Cupping Only

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Cupping is a technique for relieving chronic muscle pain and tension with a long history, going back to ancient Egypt and China. In this practice, cups are adhered to the skin by a vacuum seal. The action of the vacuum pulls tissue fluids up through the layers of soft tissue, to the surface level.This technique is traditionally utilized to pull out congestion that is trapped in the musculature. Congestion, or metabolic waste trapped in the musculature irritates the nerves resulting in muscle tension. Stagnant blood and lymph pulled from the muscle can result in purple marks on the surface of the skin. The fluids and their discolouration will be absorbed over the following days by way of natural processes, but having pulled these fluids from being locked in the muscles, relieves the muscles immediate. Cups can be placed in static position or can be pulled over the surface and any combination thereof.
